Tuesday 26 July 2011


Still haven't really done anything productive, but I'm going out tomorrow for a friend's birthday so I will at least make use of the day. I'm looking forward to it as well; should be fun :)

I've spent the last few hours internet shopping without actually buying anything. So I guess internet window shopping. Which was fun. I really need to get a job so that I can actually afford things I want. But I'm so lazy D: and probably would struggle to get a job in the first place.

I hope that at some point in my life I'm in a position where I have the time and freedom to do whatever the fuck I want. At the moment, though granted I probably have a lot more time than I make use of, I constantly have stuff I need to be doing. I don't feel like I have time to start the projects that I get excited for, so they never move past the idea stage into reality. I wanna take a gap year to give me time to do stuff. But it'll have to be after university because otherwise I won't get into university, and even then I don't know where I'll get the money from. Sigh.

Anyway, enough depressing hopelessness. Tomorrow I will get up at 9am and I will not open Google chrome at all (besides now, as it's technically tomorrow already). Yes that is a good aim.

I'll post again in two days as I am at a sleepover tomorrow night. 'Cause I know you're all dying to hear from me again ;)

Keep smiling c:

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